Saturday, February 11, 2012

Back In Action, Again.

I'm working on a background design to advertise Project New World to the public on the day of Fusion@NYP.

Monday, January 30, 2012

ATTENTION - Going Dark Till 11 Feb

Recently I've been caught up in several events, such as my overseas trip to Cambodia and being shortlisted for the commando unit in SAF. Thus I didn't have the opportunity to post any updates on Project New World till now.

Due to being overloaded with assignments,

I will put my animation phase on hold till the 11th of February. So stay tuned, I will resume updating this blog on that day.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Animation Update 01

A little note to take when using the graph editor.

In the animation editor, press F to frame all keyframe curves into the graph.

To edit individual keyframes in the animation editor, middle-mouse drag to edit.

Don't forget to activate the move tool.

Took me a while to figure that out since it has been some time since I last used the animation editor.

Yeah it's a little embarrassing. Happens to all cg artists once in a while.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Update - Character Textures Complete

Texturing complete, for now.

I'll improve the textures over the years of course, like i said in the beginning, this is a lifelong project.

In the second screenshot, it took about 36 seconds to render that frame with geometry at low quality display.

The resolution was 640x480.

I'll find ways to improve the lighting and minimize render time at the same time.

Finally, after 4 plus months of hard work, I get to start on the animation.


More updates to come.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Texturing Update

I'm texturing Main Character 02 right now. Main Character 01 draft texture complete.

Here are some test renders.




More updates coming soon.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Update - Main Character 01 Rig Complete

Title says it all.

All three rigs officially complete.

However, now's not the time to celebrate.

I've proceeded on to applying shaders and creating a light setup for the environment.

Here are some rough renders.

I've also downloaded a royalty free sunset hdri and applied it to a sphere.

The colour scheme is almost similar to my original concept of this environment.

The challenge I'm facing now is how I plan to put everything together within my complicated network.

I'll come up with an effective plan by tomorrow.

More updates coming soon.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Rigging Update - Main Character 01 95% Done

I've finished painting the weights for the whole body.
I've created joints to bind with the hair geometry.

Last two steps to complete for this character's rig:
1) Paint skin weights for hair.
2) Create curve controls for hair.

Compared to other hair rigs I've worked with, looks like this one would be a little bit challenging.

Nonetheless I would still complete it as I've been doing so for every challenge I've been facing, since the start of Project New World.


I'd really wanna finish the final rigging stage off tonight but it seems like the fever medicine I took is taking effect, making me kinda drowsy.

I'll rest for now and I'll finish it tomorrow night.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Rigging Update - Main Character 01 60% Done (Notes for Public)

I'm left with adding:
- Stretchy ik arms and legs.
- Spline ik
- fk controls
- Additional controls
- Clean up

and of course the painting of weights.


Here are some notes I'll share with anyone out there who might find this useful.

Notes: Let's talk about multiple constraints.
For IKtoFK control, while orient constraining, the selection of joints (ik, fk and real) must be in sequence.

[Click IK>FK>Real joint] => [IK W1 & FK W0 when IKtoFK is 0]
[Click FK>IK>Real joint] => [FK W1 & IK W0 when FKtoIK is 0]

[Click IK>FK>Real joint] => [IK W0 & FK W1 when IKtoFK is 10]
[Click FK>IK>Real joint] => [FK W0 & IK W1 when FKtoIK is 10]

When setting up multiple constraints, the last selection I click on will be the "victim" that will be influenced by previous selections. The master object controlling the constrained object will be pulling it to themselves. The master objects have weights that define which master is "stronger" than the other.

For example:
Click on cube A, cube B then cube C. Click Parent Constraint.

Move cube A away.

cube B will remain still. cube C will be pulled by cube A BUT at the same time it will be held back by cube B. Thus, making it stuck in the middle of both cube A and B.

Switching between IK and FK controls work the same way. The REAL joint (cube C) will be the one being controlled by the IK and FK joints (cube A and cube B).

By changing the weight values in the parent constraint node, cube C will follow the master object which has more weight than the other master.

cube A: W1
cube B: W0
cube C: Follow cube A

cube A: W0
cube B: W1
cube C: Follow cube B

cube A: W1
cube B: W1
cube C: follow both cubes. 50/50 stuck in middle.


More updates coming soon.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Rigging Update - Main Character 02 pt 4 (Almost Complete)

- I've binded the skin to the joints.
- I've painted the weights. (It was extremely tedious but worth it)
- Faced couple of problems which I solved and do not wish to elaborate.
- Found a cool tutorial here: which would allow me to have a center pivot for my character. (Good for somersaults and complex stunts)

All that's left for this character is just the painting of weights for the hair. (Which is gonna be a piece of cake)

I'll need all the energy I can muster for the next two rigging processes, Main Character 01 and Soldier.

I'll definitely do it.

Just wait and see.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Rigging Update - Main Character 02 pt 3 Cleaned Up Rig (Pre-Binded)

I've been rigging the whole day. The previous post shows how intense the rigging process was for this character.

Well, mostly because I've forgotten a lot of stuff.

Fret not, I'll be handling 2 more rigs and with more practice comes quick thinking & perfection!

I'll bind the skin after I come home from work tomorrow.


More updates coming soon.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Rigging Update - Main Character 02 pt 2 (Notes Included)

I'm working on the arm's stretchy ik right now.

I need to take down these notes before I forget.

Apparently I wasted some time trying to remember what I've done for the mitsuki rig a couple of weeks ago.

This is what happens when I don't touch rigging for a long while.

Note to self:

Create two locators and point constraint the start locator to the shoulder joint and the end locator to the arm ik. DO NOT freeze transformations on the locators.
[l_arm_distance_start and l_shoulder_ik joint together] [l_arm_distance_end and l_arm_ik handle together]

The point constraint exclamation mark thingy will appear. Make sure I'll get that.
Need more proof to see if it's what I want?
Take a look at the channel box. Maya has attached the weight thingy which kinda represents both the locator and the joint/ ikhandle being constrained together.

From here onward, I can start creating the distance between measurement for both locators.

5.12pm update:
The screenshot above states a wrong constraint. Not supposed to be l_wrist joint, l_arm_ik instead.
Also remember to use the measurement tool for both locators to calculate the distance between them. The "arm maximum stretched" value will then be used to divide the "non-stretched" value in order to calculate how the arm should stretch.

The distance thingy can be deleted after use. No wonder I was confused when I kept referring to the mitsuki rig. Keep in mind bryan.

5.57pm update:
When connecting the outputX to the scaleX of the joints at the last part of this whole process. Remember to include fk and real joints in this procedure, not just ik.

One more note, when using hypergraph connections:
To graph out and view the items I've selected.
While items are highlighted, go to the hypergraph and look for the button which looks like a C but it's made up of 3 nodes.
Shown here, where the mouse is pointing.

Damn I just realized printing screen doesn't visualize the mouse. Oh well it's right under the Help button.

6.10pm update:
One last thing to keep in mind when setting up joints.
It's okay to translate joints. In many different rigging classes lecturers carry out different methods of creating joints. For me, I usually create the joints in one dimension (either front or top view)[yx or zx]. I'll then translate and adjust the joints in the other dimension, whichever view I didn't create the joints in.

For the last part, when setting up the spline ik system. While grouping the shoulder and hip controllers to themselves, what I'd do is go to pivot mode (press insert key) and snap the pivot to the respective neck and cog fk joints.

Whenever people mention parent constraint A to B. It means I must select B then A and then click parent constraint.



Rigging almost complete.

Left with hair controls and joint setup.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Rigging Update - Main Character 02 pt 1 (Notes Included, Take NOTE Bryan)

I've setup joints and applied ik & fk controls to the legs of the character rig.

I need to store some notes here while I can still remember how to rig. I'll need to refer to them in the future if I ever forget the tedious steps I just went through due to not remembering certain stuff.

Especially while I'm in National Service.

Note to self:

It's always best for elbows to bend when setting up joints.
(Rotate Plane) RP solver "direction" will screw up if arm joints are all perfectly aligned.

For setting up pole vector constraint, keep this in mind.

Create curve along shoulder to elbow to forearm.
Pull the middle point out using "normals average" setting in translate tool.
Hold c (along curve tool) and middle mouse drag the iktofk thingy (curve or locator whichever, both are fine) along the "measurement" curve.

This will ensure that the elbow control is perfectly aligned with the direction the elbow is actually pointing to. (and that isn't just going backwards. These steps are IMPORTANT bryan)


More updates coming soon.

Model Update - Muzzle Flare

I almost forgot to model out a muzzle flare. I'm planning not to waste my time by compositing it in post-production. Thus I've done a quick model and shader test.

My method of flashing the muzzle flare is to set the keyframes of the geometry visibility (toggling between on and off) during animation.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Model Update - Environment Complete & Fighter Jet Complete

After coming home from work, I did some speed modeling once again.

Referring to a blueprint which I drew out, here's the result of the Military Air Base which I modeled.

I've also quickly modeled a low-poly Fighter Jet which I will use as multiple environment props in the scenes.

Elements left for current phase:
1) Storyboard
2) Concept Art for Environment
3) Environment Modeling
4) Futuristic Helicopter

While at work, I've spent a couple of moments daydreaming and refining the pre-visualization of the trailer in my mind.

More updates coming soon.

Most likely I'll model the helicopter before working on the storyboard.



I've decided not to model the helicopter since I have a new idea for the mini plot now.

Elements left for current phase:
1) Storyboard
2) Concept Art for Environment
3) Environment Modeling
4) Secondary Environment

I'll start setting up the city which would make up the surrounding secondary environment.



Elements left for current phase:
1) Storyboard
2) Concept Art for Environment
3) Environment Modeling
4) Secondary Environment

I'll start on storyboarding and rigging tomorrow.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Model Update - M4A1 Assault Rifle Complete

M4A1 Assault Rifle geometry has been finalized.

Characters' geometries for the teaser trailer have been finalized. (For now)

Elements left to model for current phase:
1) Pistol
2) Katana
3) Main Character Equipment
4) Soldier Weapon

Next step:
1) Storyboard
2) Concept Art for Environment
3) Environment Modeling

After I complete the next few steps I shall finally proceed on to Character Rigging.

Model Update - M4A1 Assault Rifle

I've finished modeling the rifle with low-poly. Once I finish adding fine details to the rifle, I'll look through all the geometry assets I currently have before I proceed to the rigging stage.