Friday, January 13, 2012

Rigging Update - Main Character 01 60% Done (Notes for Public)

I'm left with adding:
- Stretchy ik arms and legs.
- Spline ik
- fk controls
- Additional controls
- Clean up

and of course the painting of weights.


Here are some notes I'll share with anyone out there who might find this useful.

Notes: Let's talk about multiple constraints.
For IKtoFK control, while orient constraining, the selection of joints (ik, fk and real) must be in sequence.

[Click IK>FK>Real joint] => [IK W1 & FK W0 when IKtoFK is 0]
[Click FK>IK>Real joint] => [FK W1 & IK W0 when FKtoIK is 0]

[Click IK>FK>Real joint] => [IK W0 & FK W1 when IKtoFK is 10]
[Click FK>IK>Real joint] => [FK W0 & IK W1 when FKtoIK is 10]

When setting up multiple constraints, the last selection I click on will be the "victim" that will be influenced by previous selections. The master object controlling the constrained object will be pulling it to themselves. The master objects have weights that define which master is "stronger" than the other.

For example:
Click on cube A, cube B then cube C. Click Parent Constraint.

Move cube A away.

cube B will remain still. cube C will be pulled by cube A BUT at the same time it will be held back by cube B. Thus, making it stuck in the middle of both cube A and B.

Switching between IK and FK controls work the same way. The REAL joint (cube C) will be the one being controlled by the IK and FK joints (cube A and cube B).

By changing the weight values in the parent constraint node, cube C will follow the master object which has more weight than the other master.

cube A: W1
cube B: W0
cube C: Follow cube A

cube A: W0
cube B: W1
cube C: Follow cube B

cube A: W1
cube B: W1
cube C: follow both cubes. 50/50 stuck in middle.


More updates coming soon.

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